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I am a Certified Spiritual Healing Practitioner, humbly offering Spiritual Shamanic Healing Sessions to help you better process life; remove attachments, cleanse your aura and balance your energy fields and chakras. This is done by God, and is such a blessing in life!
I am also grateful for 20+ years of intuitive Home or Business Space Clearing experience. I am certified in Spiritual Home & Business Clearing and Magnetic Grid correction. I love God, Mother Earth and Humanity with all my heart; and Spiritual Space Clearing is a beautiful way to connect with all. I am also thankful to be an ordained minister and for the opportunity to regularly volunteer spiritual sessions for specific healing organizations near and dear to my heart.
I received my first spiritual healing in 2012. I went back for a second healing, a third...and soon started training as a Spiritual Healer myself. It was a God-send. I am so very thankful for my teacher Victor, who has helped me learn, grow, and love God even more. When you are on your Divine path, you know.
That doesn't mean it's easy. God opens your doors but you still have to walk through them! And like most people, I had to clear out the static so I could hear what was best for myself. I also work hard on overcoming my own negative human tendencies; which has on occasion felt like 'one step forward and two steps back.'
The key is to never give up. Faith, prayer, and positive speak are so powerful. Yet, going with the flow isn't always easy. The support of spiritual healing has made all the difference for me personally. I walk towards God at all times; with my eyes only upon God.
I am thankful to live a beautiful life with my amazing husband, children, and family. This is such a gift in life! We have laughed, grown, and helped each other in this life. We have also been so blessed to travel to many countries together and experience the unity, joy and gift of family.
I am so grateful to witness God's profound Faith healing. I am often left speechless at the miracles God gives us. There are simply no words to convey my heartfelt gratitude.
I am honored to meet and work with you. May God bless you, your family, and your home.
Wroclaw, Poland Dec 2024, so blessed to be there
Informed Consent Disclaimer: By receiving any advisement, service, or product from Cheryl; you hereby agree to the following: Except in the case of gross negligence or malpractice, I or my representative(s) agree to full release and hold harmless Cheryl, all aliases and associations, from and against any and all claims or liability of whatsoever kind or nature arising out of or in connection with my interaction or advisement. All services petition that God's will be done. There are no guarantees for improvement, change, or consequent results. Understand that if you have a physical issue, please first go to your doctor for help. If they cannot find a physical cause; a reason in this material world; then we can look at a spiritual cause.
I am honored to be your spiritual shamanic healer.
This is a VERY important step in your well being. Not all healers and healing modalities are created equal. You need the right person for your situation. Look at their picture on their website and see how you feel! Then take a moment and ask some questions of your potential healing and space clearing practitioner: -Are they trained and certified in any methods? What did/does their training involve? -Why do they practice their particular method of healing? -Do they believe in God? -Does their healing method rely upon God's will? -What work is required by you in this process? -What does the healer do to stay clear and good him/herself? -How long has your healer been doing this work? -To what do they attest their spiritual strength? -Are there any testimonials or reviews online to read? -Is there a detox plan or follow up tips after the session? -Does your healer have a dedicated sacred workspace? How do they keep it clear?
In order to truly live your greatest life you must first love yourself. You must love yourself before you can fully love others around you and project love out to the world.
You will only attract people who love themselves as much as you love yourself. That is just how it is. Love yourself more, and you will attract those who love themselves in the same way. Like attracts like.
You are loved by God exactly as you are. Of course, try to be a better person; learning from your mistakes. After all, we each have negative tendencies and weaknesses. We are human after all!
This is a time to let go of those things which no longer serve us. Forgive, accept and love yourself. You're doing your best! Forgive others for their own negative tendencies. For what you ask for yourself is what you should give to others.
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